10 Tips for Reducing Workplace Stress

Whether you’re a field employee working on the latest remodel project or new store setup or an office employee helping organize an upcoming project, I’m sure you’ve encountered stressful situations in your workplace.

With constant, looming deadlines and the potential for unforeseen obstacles or delays, there are plenty of work-related stressors.

Stress adds challenges and opportunities to your life; however, too much stress can seriously affect your physical and mental well-being.

Recurrent physical and mental stress can lower self-esteem, decrease your overall effectiveness and create a cycle of self-blame and doubt. Your health needs you to find the optimal stress level that you can learn to manage effectively.

To help conquer any stress or anxiety you might be feeling, here are 10 proven stress reducers that will help in the workplace and every aspect of your life.

Proven Stress-Reducing Tips

1. Prepare for your day the evening before. Put out the clothes you plan to wear, pack up your books and notes, etc. Prepping your morning tasks the night before will give you extra time in the AM to feed your body and cleanse your mind, giving you the energy to be more productive throughout the day. It also doesn’t hurt to start your morning with less stress.

2. Stay organized, and don’t rely on your memory. Write down those tasks, appointment times, and due dates. Writing a well-organized to-do list gives you a sense of control and frees up space in your mind to focus on your current tasks, increasing your performance. When making your list, prioritize. Place your most important tasks at the top to ensure you complete these first.

3. Plan ahead. Procrastination can contribute to added stress and being unprepared. Procrastination leads to more frantic and sloppy work and can cause you to fall behind on other tasks. Whatever you want to do tomorrow, do today; whatever you want to do today, do it now.

4. Allow yourself 15 extra minutes to get to the work site. You never know when unexpected traffic or an accident will delay your daily commute and make you late for work. This can add stress to your day and have you falling behind before your day even begins! Rid yourself the possibility of added stress by giving yourself extra time to get to work.


5. Get plenty of sleep. There are countless advantages to ensuring the mind and body are well-rested! A good night’s sleep is a proven mood booster and helps provide mental clarity, which leads to better decision-making. Getting 7-9 hours of sleep every night does wonders in lowering stress and anxiety.

6. Talk it out. Discussing your problems with a trusted teammate or coworker can help clear your mind of confusion so you can concentrate on problem-solving. Ensuring your team is all on the same page will lead to more cohesive collaboration and reduce the stress levels of your entire team.


7. Learn to delegate responsibility to capable others. If you’re in over your head with tasks, see if a teammate (who has room to fit more into their workload) can help with your workload. Delegating empowers your team, builds trust, and assists with professional development, all of which aid in the reduction of stress and anxiety.

8. Give yourself time daily for privacy, quiet, and introspection. Finding time for leisurely activities improves your mental clarity and gives your body and mind time to rest and heal. When you feel better, you perform better.

9. Bring your best self to work each day. Take care of today the best you can, and your yesterdays and tomorrows will take care of themselves. Knowing you gave your all will provide peace of mind at the end of your day when you think back on it.

10. Lastly, do something every day that you love and enjoy. You deserve to be happy, so get out there and do those things that bring you joy! Take a walk in the park, spend time with friends and family, indulge in your favorite hobby, and live and love your life! 

While you won’t be able to avoid 100% of the tension that work or life throws your way, we hope these strategies can help reduce your stress and serve you well!

Originally written by the UNCW Counseling Center

Edited by Houston Hawley, President – ProVantage Corporate Solutions

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